Saturday, April 24, 2010

Almost at the Two-Year Mark

This coming Friday will be the second anniversary of Janalee's arrival in Heaven. Earlier this month was the thirty-first anniversary of my wedding to my FIRST deceased wife, Mary.

A woman named Linda, who knew Mary and me long ago, has reappeared in my life. She has a load of health problems, most of which are not at all of her own making; much of her trouble has been caused by the sinful negligence of healthcare providers. I am praying for God's clear guidance as to whether Linda is meant to be my third wife; God knows, I have experience in caring for ailing women.


Alien In Exile said...

I will continue to pray for God's guidance for you and Linda.

Meanwhile, the reminders of your first two wives must be a bittersweet experience.

Sunset said...

I am praying for strong in the Lord