Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Janalee; You're Well Out Of This Mess!

My wife Janalee, now residing up in Heaven, doesn't have to endure being treated like an evil space alien because she _didn't_ get an abortion when she was raped as a teenager. But all of the physicians who tried to help her during her long struggle against disability are close to being treated like evil space aliens if _they_ refuse to _perform_ abortions.

When my _first_ wife Mary--also now in Heaven--was with me in Japan, she learned that Japan _requires_ abortion on demand; any Japanese doctor who refuses to kill babies loses his license. That's coming here in America, if the Lord High Savior Barack Obama wins this election.

Just to be clear, I'm talking about the same Lord High Obama who makes the pitch about "spreading the wealth around"...but whose _actual_ degree of spreading HIS OWN wealth around has been documented on Paul Caron's "TaxProf Blog" as follows.

Here is a summary of the figures:

0.5 percent in 2001.
0.4 percent in 2002.
1.4 percent in 2003.
1.2 percent in 2004.
4.7 percent in 2005.
And 6.1 percent, whoop-dee-do, in 2006.

Paul Caron writes: "What is surprising, given the recent controversy over Obama's membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ, is how little the Obamas apparently gave to charity -- well short of the biblical 10% tithe for all seven years. In two of the years, the Obamas gave far less than 1% of their income to charity; in three of the years, they gave around 1% of their income to charity. Only in the last two years have they given substantially more as their income skyrocketed -- 4.7% in 2005 and 6.1% in 2006. (Of course, it is possible that the Obamas may have made gifts to other worthy causes that were not deductible for federal income tax purposes.)"

I (Joseph Ravitts) can state as a concrete fact that I, a military retiree, give away a higher percentage of my annual income than the oh-so-compassionate Lord High Obama does, including "gifts to other worthy causes that were not deductible for federal income tax purposes." That's because my idea of compassion _doesn't_ mean forcibly taking away _your_ money to pay off my voting base. But I confess that I didn't give to one cause which Obama has heavily supported with his own money: the ACORN organization, which is dedicated to falsifying election results in his favor.

If enough real and fictional voters are swayed by the mindless mantra of "Change!" to put Obama in the White House, he'll get the chance to prove what he means by "Freedom Of Choice." He means just what the "pro-choice" movement has ALWAYS
meant by its double-talk: "freedom" in ONLY ONE DIRECTION, always and everywhere FOR abortion, and too bloody bad for anyone who has a conscience.

But that's okay, dear Change Zombies, because you won't have to listen to the voices of morality objecting. The Lord High Obama is also an advocate of the Fairness Doctrine--"fairness" having of course the same one-way meaning as "choice." It isn't enough in the great Obama's eyes that the hardcore left in America already has ALL the major broadcast television networks, ALL the country's biggest newspapers, ALL the slickest movie and music-video stars, and other media resources besides, totally and one-sidedly on its team. Any and every communications outlet that conservatives do still have must be diminished and restricted, until we have one-party airwaves to match a one-party government.

To doctors who DO remember the Hippocratic Oath...and to radio station owners who naively think they have the right (under the same First Amendment which leftists appeal to when it suits them) to run the programs _they_ prefer...and to "bitter Americans" who are so primitive as to believe they should be allowed to defend themselves against criminal assault inside their own homes...and to Christians who _don't_ think marriage needs to be redefined as "any sleeping arrangement anybody likes" ...and to our military personnel to whom Obama has said that military service warps their personalities...I say, I'll be praying for you, praying for us all.

And Janalee, I trust you'll be praying for us from up there.


Ut fidem praestem in difficultate!


David Sligar said...

Dear Mr. Ravitts -- I've rarely encountered any person I'd so accurately describe as self-righteous. You are SO obviously superior to the rest of us, conspicuously to Mr Obama. You might want to look in the mirror just a bit -- if you enjoy all the hatred you see there, I feel sorry for you.
By the way, please notice your dishonest implication: "too bloody bad for anyone who has a conscience." Abortion is not being forced on anyone who "has a conscience." If a woman's conscience tells her not to terminate her pregnancy, she's perfectly free to carry her child to term. If her conscience, however, differs from yours, you'd stuff yours down her throat. That's self-righteous. Hitler said God was on his side, just like you. Best wishes, David Sligar

S. Ledbetter said...

Frankly, I agree with Joseph and I don't think he's self-righteous at all. the Lord High Obama is doing exactly what he promised to do on the campaign trail, and it's disgusting. And all these blind, ignorant, STUPID people who don't criticize him are just as bad.

He's sending this country down the drain, and he knows it. He's doing it on purpose.

So far, the Freedom of Choice Act has been stalled in Congress; so far at least. But Obama and his administration, Pelosi, Reid, and all the other pirates in Washington won't listen to the people or to the states; and by the way, the STATES CREATED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which means that the Federal government SHOULD be in subjection to the states.

Do you recall that Hitler killed himself? Yeah...he was crazy. Joseph is not.