Saturday, October 6, 2012

Romney's Debate Win Didn't Cure Idiots

On Facebook, a leftwing fanatic expected to be taken seriously with an argument that, because Jesus did not receive money for raising Lazarus from the dead, this was proof that Christians were selfish and evil if they didn't want government-controlled health care. He asked how we could go to church in good conscience when we were so "heartless" as not to accept the entire socialist program without question. I naturally wrote a rebuttal, which included pointing out that Jesus didn't steal money from Lazarus' neighbors to give to Lazarus either. Today, then, I saw that another leftist, completely ignoring my rebuttal, offered support to the original big-government advocate, as follows: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Like I tell my overseas friends, we have a stupid attitude of looking out for number one here (mostly on the right) and they feel good about that by hiding behind the Bible and the flag! Good question he asked! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So I came back at him thus: And a good answer I already gave. You cannot possibly have spent much time around the right-wing Christians I routinely associate with, or you would have seen us regularly donating to food banks, tutoring and mentoring schoolkids, volunteering as hospice workers to comfort the sick, and outright giving away money out of our own pockets to people who need it (and NOT just fellow believers either). I'll take that any day over the phony "compassion" of relying on big government to solve everything by confiscatory redistribution.

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