Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Barking Up The Wrong Tree, As Usual

Two recent science-fiction movies, in the future-dictatorship sub-genre, happen to bear similar titles and a shared theme. "Equilibrium" and "Equals" both tell the audience that the way a dictatorship holds on to power is by suppressing all impulsive emotion in the people, forcing them to be logical and calm. Based on what I see of popular culture, the writers of those movies were (as it SO often happens) "rushing about with fire extinguishers when there is a flood."

Well, it's possible that a dictatorship would use that strategy AFTER IT IS ESTABLISHED; but I never heard of any dictatorship anywhere that ACHIEVED power by keeping everyone logical and calm. On the contrary, revolutionaries deliberately appeal to the emotions of a population. Hopes (be they realistic or not), fears (be they warranted or not), and grievances (be they justified or not) have always been what uprisings relied on for fuel.

So don't be quick to say, "Look out, someone's promoting logic and calmness, he must be a communist or a fascist!" Would-be tyrants of course will DO some thinking; and they may use an APPEARANCE of wisdom to inspire loyalty; but be sure that mob hysteria has its place in their plans.

Not everyone who appeals to emotion is trying to enslave us....but EVERYONE who wants to enslave us will have appeals to emotion in his toolbox.  

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